Getting back into good routines

After all the lighter nights and relaxed summer holidays, it can take a bit of adjustment to get back into the routine of school life. But routines are important both for children and for families. They help children feel secure because they understand what is expected of them. They help reduce behaviour problems and ensure children are ready for learning. In short, they mean less stress for everyone!
Here are some tips for establishing good routines:
• Support children to take responsibility for getting themselves organised for school the night before; getting uniform, homework, P.E. kit and school bag ready.
• Allow more time than you think you need in the morning - an extra 20 minutes can make the world of difference for setting a calm tone for the day.
• Don’t take over when your child’s getting dressed ‘to save time’. If you always do buttons etc for them, they will struggle to do these things independently and may feel upset when it’s expected of them at school
• Breakfast is known as ‘the most important meal of the day’ for a reason! If children really don’t feel hungry first thing, take a cereal bar or some fruit to eat on the way to school. Breakfast gives children the energy they need to concentrate.
• Avoid bombarding your child with lots of questions when they get back from school, as they’re likely be in need of some down time. Make time to listen when they’re ready – dinner times are a great opportunity to talk through the highs and lows of the day.
• Primary school children should be getting 10 – 11 hours’ sleep a night, so need to be getting ready for bed at a reasonable time. Remember, too much screen time late in the day leads to poor sleep patterns.
If you need further support with establishing good routines, contact your public health nursing team.


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