Cotswolds arts centre receives CRF award

The Cirencester-based, arts, education and crafts centre New Brewery Arts has been awarded £126,900 funding from the government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund to face the challenges of the pandemic and secure a sustainable future. The centre hosts regular craft and art exhibitions in its gallery and runs creative courses for children including a Saturday club and after school sessions.

"This grant allows the organisation to deliver our charitable purpose, to connect people with the hand-made and the joy and fulfilment of making," says New Brewery Arts’ Beth Alden. "We saw in lockdown how people turned to creativity to get them through tough times with rainbows painted, chalked on, knitted, made and created by families across the UK - that's the spirit of creativity that we celebrate and foster in our community."

The grant, administered by Arts Council England, is one of 588 awarded to cultural and creative organisations across the country, providing urgently-needed support as the national fight to control coronavirus continues.

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