Signing Tots launches educational pre-recorded online classes

Signing Tots is a long established business that teaches Sign Supported English using British Sign Language signs in the Early Years Sector. Founded by Dawn Thorpe (Owner) 16 years ago the business has grown with two more tutors to cover additional areas working with many parents and settings delivering fun multi-sensory Sign & Sing classes.

After signing with her own hearing child and working with many Deaf children in schools over the years Dawn found the amazing benefits of signing significantly boosted children's confidence. Signing alongside speech, songs and stories helps children's communication & language development and listening & attentions skills and because they naturally gesture and point to express their needs and wants signing comes naturally to them when shown how to do it. Signing also helps with the frustration of not being understood and works exceptionally well for children with English as an additional language and even more importantly signing is also a valuable life skill to have as another way to communicate with Deaf and special needs children. 


With the arrival of Covid 19 and a more digital age Signing Tots recently launched their educational pre-recorded online signed songs, nursery rhymes, stories & classes that work alongside the Early years Foundation Stage. This monthly subscription service has proved extremely popular for parents, nurseries, schools and childminders to access at any time and to watch as many times as required with videos password protected and streamed on a safe platform with no spam or ads interrupting viewing. 


Nursery/school visits are still available adhering to safety guidelines and for more information please or Tel Dawn on 07840 524197

or for subscription information please visit and Facebook @signingtots

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