Back to school Back to Head Lice

In all the hustle and bustle of back
to school week, it’s often easy to
overlook that this is the peak season
for head lice. Your children have no
doubt had a great summer with lots of
socialising and summer camps. But,
you may not have noticed that they’ve
picked up head lice in the process
through all that contact.
Then there is all the hugs and kisses
when they reunite on the first day
of school. Giving head lice the
perfect way to find a new home on
your child’s head
What can you do? Eileen from NitNOT
head lice removal clinic gives useful
advice: “Prevention is better than
cure” she says, “Hair to hair contact
is the easiest way to catch head lice.
Girls should wear long hair tied back
in a low ponytail or plait. Tell them not
to share hair brushes or swimming
towels and a weekly checks of hair via
wet-combing. Unfortunately it can be
difficult avoiding head lice.
If you find your family are suffering call
NitNOT for a screening or treatment
appointment for more details call
01442 388879. It will save you time,
stress and money.

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