Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs: The Magic Cutlass


Our Primary Times' review:


Flinn, Pearl and Tom are in the middle of their school play when Mr T the T-Rex, appears and kidnaps the children, forcing them to hunt for the illusive Magic Cutlass for him. Flinn attempts to rescue his friends and they embark on a fantastic adventure to a world of devious dinosaurs, deep sea dangers and smelly sausages and full on pirate action. But, will they be brave enough to battle the dangerous dinos?

This a non-stop action packed show has lots of live music, impressive puppetry and plenty of jokes for all ages. Aiden's (7yrs 8mths) favourite bit was Mr T the T Rex song and the big battle and he loved pretty much all the jokes. He also loved the bit when Mr T the T Rex tried to switch on the sausage machine and the pterodactyl trees to pick up the cutlass.

This show is a must for kids who love dinosaurs, pirates, adventure , so that will be pretty much any kid. Based on the best-selling Captain Flinn books by Giles Andreae and Russell Ayto.


Our young reviewer says:


"Mr T the T Rex is hilarious"

"I loved the sausages names-Stegosausages *laughs*, Childolattas *laughs*"

"The sausage machine blowing up was great" - Aiden, aged 7 years and 8 months



Reviewed on 4th August 2019


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