Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of The Amazing Bubble Man


Our Primary Times' reviewer said:


We had heard lots of people speak about The Amazing Bubble Man, so the show was much anticipated and it did not disappoint.

It is a one man show with an amazing accordionist/singer accompaniment. The Amazing Bubble Man tells the story of how he became that most famous bubble man in the world and explains the science of bubbles which is super interesting. He makes small(ish) bubbles at first and then makes bigger and bigger bubbles involving children in bubbles, bubble caterpillars, smoke filled bubbles, disco coloured bubbles, bubbles that don’t pop when he pokes them and a whole lot more!

The Amazing Bubble Man explains how you can imitate some of the tricks at home which we did in our back garden on arrival home and it worked! My younger child, aged 3, loved watching the bubbles and my older child enjoyed the commentary as well as the visuals. It appeals to all ages. The thing we couldn’t believe was the square bubble – how on earth do you make a square bubble!?

The Bubble Man has a really lovely nature and is smiley and fun – he said ‘poop’ when he popped the bubbles much to the amusement of my boys!


Our young reviewer says:


"Those bubbles seemed like made up bubbles. How on earth can a bubble be the size of a person?!" Thomas, age 5.


Reviewed on 2nd August 2019


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