How To Balance Work And Family Life

Work related stress costs the UK 10.4 million working days per year. This has a direct impact on the balance between work and family life. It can be difficult to find time to enjoy the little things without the stresses of everyday life getting in the way. If you haven’t got the balance right, then it can lead to feeling overwhelmed, not getting enough sleep, feeling resentful of your partner, and as though you are missing out on your children’s lives.

The impact on children
It is no secret that children thrive when there is harmony and routine at home. This has a direct impact on children’s ability to concentrate and their overall performance in school. Parents who actively engage with their children’s education give them a better chance for success. It is inevitable, and sometimes unavoidable, that children pick up on their parents’ stress. This can have the unintended consequence of making your child feel anxious, causing them to withdraw, sleep and/or eat poorly, or develop physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches. If your children are feeling the impact of stress, there are ways you can help them.

Make time for you
It is important for parents to get regular exercise and to have a healthy diet. Instead of driving to work, try walking or cycling. If you take public transport, try getting off a stop earlier and walking the rest of the way. Managing the stress of work travel means that you are not carrying it over into your home life. Ask if your employer has a work from home or flexible work scheme. If you work from home, make sure you establish a boundary between your work space and home life, and ensure that you have a cut-off point for work each day.

Make time and simplify
Make sure you sit down together as a family for dinner time. Find a recipe that you can make, and then sit down to enjoy it together. Families that eat together engage in healthier eating patterns and help children to improve communication skills. Make bedtime a sacred routine, never to be interrupted by ringing phones or emails. This is a perfect time to read with your child. During the holidays, be sure to schedule in activities for the whole family, such as going for a walk in the countryside, or for a ride on a cycle path. Playing board games at home is a great way to relax together, and will provide your children with treasured memories in later life.

By making a few simple changes, prioritising your home life and work habits, you will find you are able to achieve a greater balance. This will ensure you are spending quality time with your partner and children, while also not feeling as though you are having to compromise on the quality of your work.

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